Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hall/Toy closet

I am so embarrassed that I have let our hall/toy closet get so messy!  The kids hardly ever play with any other these toys anymore (probably because they cant find anything).  It has just become a major dumping ground and it is driving me crazy!  So, with Christmas approaching, I have decided that it is time to reorganize it! Here are the before pictures... (please don't laugh too hard, I know it is bad!)

Hopefully I will have it done by next week and I can post some after pictures.  Wish me luck!


  1. loving the new look of the blog! you are so creative :) ok, even though it's messy.... making the hall closet into a toy closet is a brilliant idea. i wish i had a hall closet with such awesome shelving in it, i would totally do the same thing. please post "after" pics. I love organizing and this is very inspiring!

  2. It really doesn't look that bad but I love organizing so can't wait to see the after!
