Friday, November 11, 2011

The Dentist... part 2

You can see that the right side is still numb...
On Thursday we had another day full of dentist appointments! We started it all off with Meghan getting a little cavity filled.  They took her back and told us that it should take about 30 minutes.  They said that they like to go nice and slow so that they do not overwhelm them the first time.  Well, not 10 minutes later the dentist was back out telling us that they were all done!  Meghan did amazing!!! She was such a big helper and did not act bothered at all!!! YEAH!!!  So, after wards we took her to McDonald's to get a smoothie.  

Nicholas had an appointment later that day to get fitted for his expander.  He got to bite into clay, to make a mold of his mouth. They also doubled up on the spacers in between his teeth. He will get the full expander put in next Thursday.  

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